Léonie Cowen

Léonie  Cowen

Léonie is a leading local government lawyer and procurement specialist with extensive expertise in all aspects of public procurement and concessions. She is principal of Léonie Cowen & Associates, a niche firm specialising in providing legal and consultancy services to local authorities and their partners.

She is an inspirational advisor and lecturer and as a lawyer always goes the extra mile to find and deliver the best option/solution for her clients. Her particular interests include social care, leisure and culture. She is nationally recognised as an expert in procurement and delivering innovative models of delivery for leisure and social care (children and adults). She has supported a number of local authorities and charities in delivering contract extensions for their leisure and social care and in using her training as a mediator to resolving disputes in a pragmatic manner.

Léonie has been lecturing for MBL and other legal trainers for many years. She was a visiting lecturer at the University of Birmingham’s post graduate Institute of Local Government Studies, lecturing to social care commissioners throughout the United Kingdom. She is also a published author, contributing to the Municipal Journal and wrote, 'A Practical Guide to Local Authority Leisure Contracts in England and Wales in the Time of Covid-19, Brexit and Beyond' (Law Brief Publishing 2021) and has written published guidance for all Welsh authorities on social care procurement.

Léonie 's upcoming events


The Procurement Act 2023 - Recent Developments - Webinar

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